Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 5

I spoke to her today. Day by day my desperation seems to be increasing. She looked so beautiful today.

I am planning to call her for coffee. Hopefully it works.

God help me! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am writing again!

Wow! I am writing again after a long time. Its funny though that I write every time a girl crosses my life.

It's really mixed emotions. I feel both happy and sad. Happy because I spoke to Sonam. O! I forgot to tell you who this Sonam is! She is a new joiner and she looks ok. But somehow I had this big crush on her and I never had the guts to speak to her. Well I never wanted to talk to her until one day.

It's filmy but you have to believe what happened between us is not just filmy but also romantic. At least from my perspective. LOLs. We used to exchange looks and I always had this feeling that she used to stare at me. I always felt looking at her was bad and it's not good for her to notice my naughty looks. But one day I did speak to her.

We both came to office at the same time and both of us were frisked by the security. I went behind her still not knowing what to talk. Then I remembered the book I saw on her desk. It was really the only thing I could talk to her about. So I encouraged myself and said a hi to her. Then I asked her about the book she had and just introduced myself.

Next day was funny though. I was in so much of confusion and I actually did manage to ping her. Honestly, I felt so happy. I spoke with her for an hour and it was like I was flying on the air. But I am sad now. Really, I have already started to miss her when I don't actually know anything about her. She might be engaged or committed or even worse, she wouldn't just like me.

I am just keeping my fingers crossed. Now we talk a bit and hopefully I get to know more about her. But all I can say for now is that her smile is just awesome :)

God be with me! :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Life keeps bugging me!

Yes I was on my way to Blore which is when life bugged me again. I was lonely expecting no one. But I met a gal. She was beautiful but I felt really different. honestly really different. I felt something odd. Wanted to talk to her. But couldnt get hold of her.

Reached Blore. Saw almost all of my relatives. But I had a feeling that I still miss her. Waited all of Sunday for the feeling to go away. Felt better on Monday and shit I met her again.

She was on a pink dress and wow she looked so beautiful. But I saw her eyes and realised she is missing something. She is definately feeling lonely and I understood that. I spoke to her asked her about her details. Reached chennai and asked her emailid too. But no use! I have communicated her but no response still.

guess she doesnt like me. After all love is a two sided affair. Guess she didnt feel the way I felt for her. Hmm hope god makes me forget her soon. Goooddd enough of ur plays. I am sick of these. Let me live my life peacefully and happily :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Miss her

Sometimes I think I am really stupid missing her. I know she is married and there is no point in thinking about her. God damn it! Why did u make me so dull. I am in such a brink of a situation dat i seriously have nothing to think except my career. Let me win some day!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Life Just Goes On!

Well, today i feel really sad. Its not new for me to feel sad though. I have been feeling this way a lot. Recently fortunately or unfortunately sadness is the only thing which keeps coming up with me. I feel no body likes me or atleast the people whom I love the most dont like me. Why did god make me like this? Well yeah I know I am becoming an athiest now days. Belief in him is simply vanishing.

So I sit here writing down what I wanna be and what I am now. Well I wanna be a normal guy but I am not. Why? God only knows!! I miss my frnds and I feel they simply vanishing. I feel I am lonely. Loneliness and only that.

I have set a goal. Hope I reach it somehow.

May God Bless Me!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Day I saw death

Well so saturday morning, its 6: 30 AM. Hmm got to get up in another 20 minutes as I have to get ready for her. Well I dont want to. I wanna sleep and I wanna sleep hard. So my body was wanting a good sleep but my mind wanted her! My body won finally and I woke up by 9am. So it was just a normal morning with a normal sun, well i missed the extra ordinary moon which I see every morning

So my computer was wanting me and I started chatting with chat frnds. I chat a lot because I am a chatter box. So it was 2 pm and my frnd was waiting for me in the theatre. So we both watched a movie and also some of the gals in the theatre. So i came back at 6 pm and it was fun. My day was almost over and I came back to my house and had a early dinner by 7

Then my frnd called me up and wanted me to accompany him to another movie. Well my Mom said "No" but i wanted to go as I wanted fun. Before getting into the car all of us were drunk and I felt bad about drinking as I promised my mom that I would never drink. But promises are meant to be broken but I love my mom so much that I felt bad about it.

So I was sitting in the first row of the car and other behind. The car drive was okay. One of my frnds was talking to his wife and it irritated us as we couldnt play songs and we wanted some good music rather than his dumb voice. So we started shouting and my frnd apologised to his wife saying that we were too drunk and that she shouldnt mind wat a drunker says. Well this agigated my frnd who was a driver at that time and he wanted to prove to him that he drive well when he is drunk

So he shook his car a bit and wanted to bring back the car to control. But he was too drunk to bring it back to normal and the car lost all the control. So it shook,shook too hard and it hit the divider so hard. My god, it was as if I was in a video game. My body was turning a lot and all I thought about was god. God! save me was the thought in my mind.

Luckily for us there was no vehicle behind or in front of us. So the impact was just on the divider. I wasnt hurt but the front of the car was damaged too. God saved my life today and I was short of belief that I am still alive. I came out of the car and read the caption god is great in back of the car. Yeah he is. I still cant believe that I am alive. Two eventful days. Lets see how the sunday goes tomorrow

Hope this Moment Never Changes

I was in my tennis court today, peeping at the door every minute. There is some odd feeling in me. Yeah, I was expecting her, every second, every minute. But she doesn't seem to turn up today and all I had was my coach's hard look. He kept hitting ball hard at me. He knew there was something distracting me but he didnt want to talk about that to me

So Game On Buddy! Oops I am hitting sixes in tennis court! whats happening? Well neither my mind nor my hand is in control now. All I want is her, to bring me back to normal. Suddenly something odd made me look at the gate again and I found someone tapping my shoulder. Hey! its her. She came from the backdoor. Wow! She looked so beautiful today. Her smile was so poetic. Wish I could see her all my life and her smile too.

She was expecting other coach to come and play with her. God u r so rude. My prayers were to play with her and now u r making her play with someone else. Hmmm, this is how life is. God! thusi great ho! The coach was busy with a small kid and my coach(I owe him a lot for this!!) asked her to play with me as he was busy as well. God u are really really great!

So first time in my life I had got what I wanted. Yeah! I wanted to play with her not just in tennis court but also with her life! But happily atleast i had a beginning now. So she took a ball in her hand and with her usual feminine gesture she asked my name. I with a manly tone said "Guru". Wow! I love my name. Its so rocking. I asked her name, twice, thrice four time but there was no reply. Probably my voice is too low and too shy. She never replied for a long time and then finally came the reply. Her name was " "

Nice name. So we started playing tennis and my mind, my body, my soul everything on tennis now. Wanted to prove my might in tennis and it was game on! Every ball i hit bounced at least 6 feet. Well my height is 6 feet 3 inches and the ball is bound to bounce at least 6 feet due to the trajectory. She wasnt comfortable at all as she wasnt as tall as I am. She had to jump in air to meet the ball and it was funny watching her that way.

So I didnt want to bother her lot and I reduced my ball speed so that she is comfortable. Now she started hitting the ball hard and I started losing. The smile in her face returned and it was awesome watching her that way. For the first time in my life, I enjoyed losing and every point after that was won by her. Yes I loved losing because I guess loved her.

Well the game was good thy untill another frnd of hers came into the bloody picture. She is utter waste lady. She plays tennis like shettle and my future ex-wife was teaching her how to play tennis. I was so irritated and I wanted to play with her again. But she had only 5 minutes left for the day and she started playing with me again. Those 5 minutes was the moment I thought should never change.

The game was over finally and I thought I need to talk to her. So she was sitting outside the court packing up things and I came near her and said "Hi". Then she starting asking me about my job, and there was nothing great in my profession as in India every street virtually has a software engineer.

On my conversation I though found that she is a really humble and nice person. She was a HR in big company and HR usually have very good communication skills. Atleast I know a bit about her. Hope to play her tomorrow